Außenansicht der vtg Gebäude

A new home in the neighborhood of Elbbruecken

VTG, Hamburg


5.650 m²
Leasable space

Project period

18.000 m² BGF
Usable space

Sustainable building with flexible structures, rooftop garden, and green inner courtyard: the future group headquarters

A sustainable building with flexible structures, a rooftop garden, and green inner courtyard is being built on Lieselotte-von-Rantzau-Platz, in the Elbbruecken neighborhood, to serve as the future group headquarters of rail logistics company VTG. 

Construction started in early 2023, with a planned completion in 2026. The innovative building concept was presented at a press conference on July 7 (official press release). The design, created by Steidle Architects, was selected as the winner in a structural engineering competition that the builder had held in partnership with HafenCity Hamburg GmbH and the Hamburg Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

Rental of partial areas of a new building yet to be built in HafenCity Hamburg

We have been advising VTG AG since late 2021 on the rental of space in a new building still under development in the HafenCity Hamburg development. 

As part of its “New Home” project, VTG has rented some 11,500 m² from DC Developments (project developer and landlord). The new building is to be constructed on HCH’s building area 101. It will have approximately 20,000 m² of space in all and be completed by early 2026. The main structure is characterized by a seven-story base building, which VTG will mainly use as the anchor tenant, and a 15-story high-rise, which will be rented by third parties.

In the first phase of the project, combine supported VTG in an advisory role until the lease agreement was signed and ensured that the functional and economic requirements were incorporated into the contracts. combine also provided assistance during the architecture competition.

VTG Hamburg

User representation and new construction project

combine is currently continuing to provide VTG AG with comprehensive advice on all aspects of user representation. In order to ensure that the solutions during this new construction project, that will be build on the initial concept, will meet requirements in terms of functionality and economic aspects. Everything will be developed together with the landlord. Alongside comprehensive project management, there may also be a need to design forward-looking working environments and shape the change that will accompany them.

Images: DC Developments / VTG / Steidle Architects


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