Junior Consultant im Bereich Workplace Strategy (m/w/d)

For our location in Hamburg.

What you can expect.

Beratung: Als Junior Consultant im Bereich Workplace Strategy berätst Du Stakeholder: innen bei der Konzeption und Gestaltung ihrer Gebäude und Projekte unter Berücksichtigung strategischer Unternehmensziele, globaler Trends und lokaler Gegebenheiten.

Konzeption: Du konzipierst und implementierst individuelle zukunftsweisende Lösungen im Bereich Workplace.

Teamarbeit: You will support highly motivated, interdisciplinary teams and challenging consulting projects for companies of all sizes and configurations.

Was Du mitbringst.

Hochschulabschluss: Architektur, Bau- und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften o.Ä.

Berufserfahrung und Knowhow: erste Berufserfahrung vorzugsweise in der Immobilienwirtschaft

working style: engagiert, selbständig, strukturiert, konzeptionelle und analytisch

Persönlichkeit: kommunikationsstark, serviceorientiert, teamfähig, kreativ und lernbereit

Sprache: sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse, sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office und CAD-Programmen

Was wir Dir als Junior Consultant im Bereich Workplace Strategy bieten.

Aufgaben: verantwortungsvolle und herausfordernde Aufgaben in abwechslungsreichen Projekten bei namhaften Kund:innen in vielfältigen Facetten der Immobilienberatung

Vergütung und Incentives: ein attraktives Gesamtpaket mit individuellen Leistungsanreizen, Fitness-Angebote, Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramm, Bezuschussung des Deutschlandtickets und ein unbefristetes Anstellungsverhältnis

Development:excellent opportunities for your personal and professional development, creative leeway and advanced training

Kultur: eine sehr angenehme, aufgeschlossene Arbeitsatmosphäre und kollegialer Zusammenhalt; ein hochqualifiziertes Team und flache Hierarchie, standort(übergreifende) Unternehmensevents

Flexibility: flexible working hours and place, but we would like to see you two days a week in our offices

What sets us apart.

combine ist eine international tätige Unternehmensberatung mit über 90 Mitarbeiter: innen, die vielfältige Beratungsleistungen im Spektrum der betrieblich genutzten Immobilie anbietet. Wir beherrschen sämtliche Prozesse der Immobilienökonomie – von der Strategieentwicklung bis zum Projektmanagement und verfügen über ein großes Know-how in der Konzeption und Realisierung moderner Arbeitswelten und New Work Beratung.

Melde Dich bei uns.

Fragen und Antworten.

You can always find our current job postings on this page. If you don’t see anything posted here that fits your profile, we are always happy to receive general applications for positions as they become available at

Antonia Baerens

Found a job posting that fits your profile? Want to submit a general application for positions with us as they become available? You can send your application directly to karriere@combine-consulting.com We will confirm receipt so you know your documents have arrived.

We consider every application very carefully, so please bear with us, as it may take a few days. We will invite you to interview by phone so we can get to know you.

We also feel it is important to meet our potential new colleagues in person, so as part of the application process, we will invite you to one of our offices, where you will meet HR and members of our management team. If you would like to talk to your potential colleagues as well or take a look around at our multifaceted day-to-day business by working with us for a trial day, we can make it possible.

Our main goal during the interview phase is to figure out whether we are a good fit for each other. We want to learn more about you, your background, and what motivates you in a relaxed atmosphere, so we will ask you questions on a wide variety of topics. But we also want to take enough time to introduce our company to you and answer your questions. This means an interview with us usually takes about an hour and a half.

If both sides think you are a good fit for our team after the initial phase of getting to know each other, we will offer you a contract right away and hope you will accept. Once you accept your contract, planning for the onboarding process can get started.

Um einschätzen zu können, ob Du zu uns passt, benötigen wir von Dir einen aktuellen Lebenslauf sowie idealerweise weitere Anlagen wie Arbeits- und Abschlusszeugnisse.

Anschreiben (optinal):
Du musst kein Anschreiben verfassen, kannst es aber tun, wenn Du uns genauer erklären möchtest, warum Du zu uns passt.
Teile uns bitte außerdem mit, wann Du frühestens bei uns anfangen könntest und wie Deine Gehaltsvorstellungen sind.

Your CV should be structured in a table format and highlight all of the stages of your life that have been important from a professional standpoint. A few short words describing your duties in the individual positions will help us learn more about your personal experience, expertise, and development.

Supporting materials:
You should definitely include letters of reference from previous employers and diplomas and transcripts from your studies.

Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail with any questions you may have.

Antonia Baerens
Human Resources 
+49 152 514 362 57

We are a hidden champion in the real estate industry, with detailed knowledge of conceptualization and realization of innovative location and building strategies and modern work environments. To create individual solutions aligned precisely toward our clients’ needs, we work in an interdisciplinary team. At our firm, economists work with architects, engineers, and change managers.
We have over 60 years of experience providing advice on all matters related to commercial properties. Our clients are as diverse as our team, ranging from industrial companies to public-sector entities and from medium-sized regional businesses to international corporate groups.

We are a modern, owner-operated company with flat hierarchies. We work within interdisciplinary teams to develop individual solutions for our clients for all processes involved in the real estate economy, from strategy development to the interior design concept and right through to project management. In everything we do, our aim is to continue to grow, learn, and evolve.

We are actively helping to shape the future of the working world and the real estate sector. We take part in the conversation around current issues and matters affecting the real estate sector by giving talks and presentations, engaging in podium discussions, and attending conferences and trade fairs. #combineFootprint

We think holistically and with an eye to the future. Our goal is to create lasting value for our customers with our projects. To do that, we work in interdisciplinary teams that can consider every issue from different perspectives. #TeamFootprint

Every project is special. Every client is unique. That means every working day is different. Work at our firm offers new and different tasks on an ongoing basis, all with a lot of personal responsibility. We offer you the opportunity to take on varied projects and continue to grow and evolve each and every day. #IndividualFootprint

We value our people’s opinions and give them a lot of room to move and shape things. We work with each other in a spirit of partnership and mutual trust. We believe in our employees’ self-determination and make agile decisions. We negotiate processes and rules as a group. They aren’t set in stone. We pitch in and maintain a hands-on mindset.

We have four offices, spread all across Germany, but we always work across different locations. We have found that a family-like, relaxed atmosphere brings the best results. Strong team cohesion and enjoyment of our work are important to us. Our team is made up of people with different natures and different backgrounds, hailing from different academic disciplines. We encourage and inspire each other and learn from each other every day.

Wir betrauen unsere Mitarbeitenden mit herausfordernden Aufgaben. Wir haben höchste Ansprüche an die Qualität unserer Arbeit und sind überzeugt: Höchstleistungen lassen sich nur erbringen, wenn wir unseren Mitarbeitenden die Freiheit einräumen, selbstbestimmt zu arbeiten. Flexibilität liegt uns am Herzen: Wir bieten Dir dank Vertrauensarbeitszeit und flexiblen Arbeitszeiten eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance. Wir fördern Auszeiten und Sabbaticals sowie Teilzeitmodelle. Home-Office beziehungsweise mobiles und ortsunabhängiges Arbeiten ermöglichen wir neben grundsätzlich zwei Office-Tagen pro Woche. Auch Office-Wechsel sind möglich.

We offer extensive development opportunities and career paths. We support and reflect on your development through mentoring and semiannual employee performance reviews. We reward your hard work with attractive performance-based compensation.

We offer a number of perks and benefits for our staff. Here are just a few:

  • Tasks:challenging and responsible tasks in a broad variety of projects
  • Salary and incentives: individual performance incentives, fitness offers, JobRad, employee referral programme, permanent employment contract
  • Flexibility: flexible working hours and place, but we would like to see you two days a week in our offices
  • Development:excellent opportunities for your personal and professional development, creative leeway and advanced training
  • Culture:a pleasant and open atmosphere where everyone is working together. A highly qualified team but a flat organziation. And events to come together.